The Faroese Pharmacy Service

The Faroese Pharmacy Service is an institution under the Ministry of Health and the Interior, and it includes Tjaldurs Apotek, Eysturoyar Apotek, Norðoya Apotek, Suðuroyar Apotek, the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer and the Pharmacy Fund.

The Faroese Pharmacy Service has sole and exclusive right to produce, import, export, store, trade and pack medicine apart from the case where anything else is appointed by the pharmacy law or rules of authorization in the pharmacy law.

The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer controls that the laws and regulations concerning the law are kept.

The regulatory community framework under the Faroese Pharmacy Service is Ll. no. 104 from September 5th 1988, which is about the Faroese Pharmacy Serivce and medicine and is later modified (the pharmacy law) in addition to announcements with the authorization in the pharmacy law.