The Ministry of Health and the Interior participates in the northern cooperation in NOMESCO (the Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee), which is a committee under the Nordic Council.

The purpose with NOMESCO is:

  • To have the responsibility of the procedure of coordinating the health statistics of the Northern countries.            
  • To put projects in to force to improve the statistics, so that they are easier to compare and partially to ensure that the knowledge on the health statistics are in the Northern countries is used the best way possible.
  • To inform about northern cooperation with statistics on health and first and foremost to come with reports on health statistics, but also to publish results from special projects and research and so.
  • To arrange and participate in an international statistics cooperation.

The Faroe Islands participates in the formulation of the yearly publication of the report from NOMESCO "Health Statistics in The Nordic Countries", where we also provide for statistics on the same level as the other Northern countries.

You can read more on NOMESCO’s website.
